
..I’m still thinking, but for now the following will do..

It’s often difficult to take your own picture when it’s so easy taking one of others; likewise I find it difficult to write about myself when I happily read bio of others.  Nonetheless I believe it’s an important introduction for my readers to know who I am or consider this a firm hand shake in welcoming you to The British Asian Blog.


A British Asian Boy, a Healthcare Professional, a Student, a Entrepreneur, a Blogger, a Reader, a Traveller and a Photographer.


Shall remain a secret (just don’t ask why)


Thunder storms, the colour white, reading other people’s personal blogs, books, super motorbikes, loves friends and family, sleeping in on Sunday mornings followed by Fish and Chips, cooking, pursuing business ventures, challenging society and thinking outside the daba (box).

Inspires to:

Become a creative writer, makeing his business ventures a success, to build his own super motorbike, to one day beat Deepika Padukone in a badminton match, complete his post-graduate part time PhD studies, Travel throughout South Asia.

Favourite Quotes:

Life is either a darling adventure or nothing – Helen Keller

The Blog:

Just a boy who happens to realise that he needs a voice, a voice which talks particularly about British Asians and the ups and downs impacting them, the comings and goings in and around his life.  On odd occasion a review about books written by or about British Asians, films made by or about British Asians.  The vision he has to write and the business ventures he peruses, sometimes he may echo a tirade, make a gripe or he might express his pondering or share his ramblings, sometimes he might be sardonic and at times humorous and then he might suddenly become philosophical.

Contact Me:



All posts are created from my own opinion, opinion are funny as they are formed from the stuff we read – which can be right or wrong.  This blog or the content on the blog cannot be used for any commercial use or without my prior consent – which I doubt I will give you.  The views expressed on this blog that are other than mine are views of the commentator – this does not mean that I endorse them or condemn them.  I don’t tolerate people abusing or attacking others and I will delete/sensor comments or material that is harmful – unless the abused or attacked are either Tony Blair or George W Bush in which case I simply don’t give a crap.  Copyright material may be used in this blog and in all instances accurate references will be made back to the source of the material, some material may be used which is widely available to the public.

The author /owner of this blog is quite relaxed, just don’t take the piss.    

58 thoughts on “About

      1. That is sweet. I know you want to keep your identity hidden, do you still think we can be friends (and chat online, such as in Gtalk))?

  1. You very spookily sound very much like me…I too love lie ins and fish and chips! I too am looking to become a billionaire from blogging. I too would love to do that trip in South Asia and take some awesome photos and of course Vlog along the way! But not into motorbikes (sorry!!) although I did go to the top of a mountain in Haryana once on the back of Chotu’s scooter without a helmet and not very safely with the wind blowing in my hair…and I loved every second of it!!!!

    1. It must be a British Asian thing then to want similar stuff.

      In relation to short-bikes I am.absolutely obsessed with them. Myself and a handful of close friends also bikers are planning a motorbike road trip to Morocco in the coming weeks. This how made we are…life is a darling adventure or nothing

  2. sorry for being blind but what exactly is a ‘short-bike’?? Morrocco on a bike! Now that sounds fun – if you have a dropout let me know…and I might join ya! LOL

    1. Sorry – I meant ‘super-bikes’ not short. The best way to come along is to get on a bike, pass your exam and join us in the future. Few years ago, while I was at University – we (close friends) decided to get our super bikes. Since then from a group of 5 we have grown to around a group of 22 bikers. Imagine this – going for a curry to Bradford on a Summer’s evening – and 22 bikers turn up reving and roaring along the roads turn up – the curry house don’t know what hits them.

  3. Surfing the waves of the web I am pleasantly stranded in your interesting blog.

    I write under the pseudonym of Josè Pascal (a descendant of the great Colonel Aureliano Buendía).

    I invite you to visit my “italianglish” writing blog http://parolesemplici.wordpress.com/mytinbox/.

    I define this blog “In parole Semplici” as a “virtuacultural tin” box where they are guarded thoughts, memories, images, sounds, and simple stories”.

    I dream an intercultural blog. Already involves more than 100 authors/friends.

    If you want to participate and to have more informations send me a letter to inparolesemplici@gmail.com

    Good life and I hope to soon

  4. Is this my first time here? I think so! Damn, I am miserable at commenting! Just dropped in to say that I follow your blog religiously. Good one, dude!

  5. --Sunrise--

    AAAAAAAAAAH wait, what?! People OUTSIDE of the Yanks blog?! Nice to meet another British Asian blogger! Although, I define myself as British Indian because British Asian makes me feel like one of those gangster type people… er, not that I’m saying you’re a gangster! 😛 I can easily see the British-isms in your writing, feels like home!! 🙂

    1. Welcome my friend – I can’t pretend to be someone who I am not – this blog is a mirror image of who I am and what my life is all about – but I refrain from revealing who I am (that no one needs to know).

      And Yes……..I like to write British-isms.

  6. I loved the ‘inspires to’ section. Hopefully one day not very far off will congratulate you on this very page on beating Ms Padukone in a game of badminton 🙂 Cheers!

  7. Hi, I came over here to carry on the discussion that you started in the post about horsemeat, as there’s no more space to do it there. I like what you said about pushing to make sure the government represents us, but I have to admit to sometimes feeling a bit weary and cynical about this. I’ve always been a ‘floating voter’ and have tried to vote in each election according to my conscience, rather than by any predetermined commitment. I actually didn’t choose the present British government, because I voted for one of the parties that didn’t end up in power. At present I’m involved in local action and protest to try to save the library and swimming baths in the district where I live, for the second time in as many years, and it feels like it’s hard to get a hearing on this, even though a lot of people are making a lot of noise about it. In the past I’ve protested about public service cuts, and I marched on the streets to show my opposition to war in Iraq, but I didn’t feel very listened to by the government then either. I would like to share the faith in working with the system that you demonstrate, and I will keep your words in mind, but I think we also need grass roots activism and people living out alternative choices, because we are often inspired by others. I know it’s contact with other people I’ve met which has inspired me to try being Vegan, and, when I think about it, most of the things I’ve done in my life which feel really meaningful were started by a spark which came from somebody else, more like side-by-side transmission, rather than direction from above. Yes, we need our government to act and we must hold them to account, but we also mustn’t just sit there and leave everything to our leaders, we need to be proactive as well. (I think you’re sort of saying that anyway.) It’s good to correspond with someone who is thoughtful and engaged. Good luck with your writing.

    1. Welcome here and I hope you visit regularly.

      It’s true, we all need to be proactive, and we all need to be educated in knowing what to do. I mean, have you ever heard heard a politician either say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to a question? I haven’t and neither will they ever do – as long as they have something to hide.

      Why don’t you email me and we can continue this discussion with some specific examples: thebritishasian@gmail.com

  8. Pingback: Rock On | The British Asian Blog

  9. Pingback: Elusive PhD | The British Asian Blog

  10. britdeshimummy

    Hey! Just landed on your blog. A British Asian like yourself and new to the blogging world. Interesting read!

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